The Survivor – Bec McMillian

To say Bec McMillan has been through a lot is an understatement. courageous story about a woman who has lived a life full of adversity overcoming so many challenges from a child up until present. Bec has endured the unthinkable, the kind of shocking story that even the “Best” script writers could not begin to write- yet come out the other side an awakened soul that is shining brighter than one could imagine. Bec’s sole purpose in life is to help Inspire people to face ANY situation/life circumstance with strength-courage & determination and to never give up no matter what..
Bec’s approach on overcoming the depths of extreme adversity are described as Raw & Real. Bec prides herself on not claiming to be “perfect” and to simply “allow” yourself to be human. Bec talks about how she got over the worst of her challenges and how she remains so incredibly positive. No matter what you’ve been through you can inspire, lead and be an inspiration to others just like her.

Gretsky The Great

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Comedian, social commentator, alligator potato, chocolate lover, chimpanzee shaver, acrobat and tightrope walker. Out of these Gretel Killeen is the first two and maybe more.

I worked with her on Big Brother when we were hosts and I have been lucky enough to be friends with her sort of. Gretel has friends and then gets new ones then comes back to the old ones and I’m an old one who is lucky enough to have her back for some fun with a microphone. Shes a crazy cat she is. That sounds rude, but its not because how much fun can you really have with a microphone? Tell a joke, sing into it, do impersonations. Ok, now Im just waffling.

She’s funny, talented and hosted more shows Disney. Are you reading this? You know its a video and you can watch it. Please enjoy! And if you do its free you know, so give it a share.

Mike 🙂



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