The Mike Goldman Show
I went to the Gold Coast to get my ass kicked by the Sunstate Roller Girls.
Wrote a big story for Ralph about it. What do you think of my roller filming?
Gorilla Gram
Mike Goldmans Gorilla Breakfast Radio show. Benn Jae wednesday with yankee super model lady Stacy Beth dancing up a storm to lady gaga! Does anyone have this much fun on air?! See more on the official Gorilla website.
Look Out for the Taste Police
Nice work Red PR and Dominos. Love the new sanggers!!
Bunny Wrangling
Total Piss Take
Gorilla Gram-Kyle Linehan, Mike Goldman,DJ Kelli Hart, Ally Pinnock
Lauren, Sheridan and Nathan Harvey
How good is Nathan and his super rock star sisters?!
They’re in an awesome band called Lash 78. ROCK!!!