Mr Motivation

Brent Williams
Known as an expert in team moral, productivity and success, Brent Williams is an international best selling author, business entrepreneur, inspirational speaker and blockbuster movie producer. His insights into todays youth, the problems they face and how to deal with them are ground breaking. He also has very interesting insights into why anxiety is on the rise.
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Mike 🙂

7 million and counting

I was lucky enough to host some of the 2018 Commonwealth Games with sports encyclopaedia Shura Taft and Gold medal winning athlete Monette Russo over two incredible weeks on the Gold Coast. This was the first time anywhere in the world that Facebook have been a partner of a sporting event of this size and was a toe in the water to more things I suspect. We interviewed athletes and celebrities who were all part of the action. This was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done and am so appreciative of the Alex Sloane, Amber Brown and incredible team from Network Seven, Facebook and Our Friends Electric for getting me involved. Heres some of the fun we had below.

Box Cycling

Combo sports : Combining old sports losing their lustre to make a new sport.
Box Cycling (BC) is a full-contact combat cycling sport that allows both striking and grappling while cycling along a 5 Kilometre track. The first documented use of the term Box Cycling was during a cycle road rage incident in Newtown, Sydney Australia 1994. The question of who actually created Box Cycling is subject to debate.

The latest exciting Combo Sport to be created is Box Cycling. Two sports that were hard to get a crowd at during the last Olympics are made relevant again in this exciting bout between Australia and England. Combo sport athletes Mike Goldman and Matt Hollywood go toe to toe and pedal to pedal in this championship bout.

Dale Beaumont

He started his first learning company at 19, he was an Australian champion gymnast, hes just developed an artificial intelligence to help people run their business.Award winning technology entrepreneur, international speaker and 16 times best selling author, Dale Beaumont talks about business, entrepreneurship, his 52 ways workshops and much more. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes, listen on Spotify, Tune In Radio and much more.

Krissy Stanley

Meet Australias own Phyllis Dyller who comes with a flock of hair dyed flightless birds. More colourful than a one nation rally and funnier than Tony Abbott in budgee smugglers. Like Dame Edna but a much more attractive woman. Krissie Stanley is a self confessed reality TV and game show nut. She’s been on more shows than Channel 10 has viewers and performed her work at more retirement villages than White Lady. Krissie has a zoo of colourful animals that she has trained to perform along with her audacious comedy. Meet this incredible human, On The Mike.

Check out Kris here:

Matt Hollywood

One of my best mates in the whole world, international magician society magician of the year Matt Hollywood is my very special guest this week On The Mike. No we aren’t just talking magic, he’s performing it, and blows my mind by making a small puppy appear out of nowhere. It’s by far one of the most bizarre things I have ever seen in my life. Enjoy this episode with my awesome friend, Magician Matt Hollywood.

Mongol Rally 2018

Three Men, 15,000 kilometres, the distance from Sydney to New York, a crap car and some really silly outfits. Why? Well it’s for charity of course. Not just any charity, but the Charlie Teo foundation who are at the forefront of the fight against Brain Cancer. The interview is a chat with some pals who are coming on the Mongol Rally with me from London to Mongolia. Heres some photos of the car we just picked up in London. Doesn’t look promising does it. SIf you want to get involved in our trip, we have this thing called the “Golve box Challenge” where you make a donation and write a little challenge here.

Eat some Lola Berries

Lola Berry has written 10 amazing books that you will probably drool on as you read. The tasty treats that she comes up with are not only going to give you mega mouth orgasims, but they will also me good for you. Lola is funny, beautiful and one of the most knowledgable people I know when It comes to nutrition, health and fitness. Like get this, her latest book even tells you the best foods to eat for your complexion.

Is this a real mermaid?

The Shape of Water creature has nothing on her. Even if it did you know its a rip off of the movie Splash with Daryl Hannah and Tom Hanks. Anyway, this mermaid we’re chatting with is one of the best free divers in the world. So she can hold her breath for like 4 minutes, thats half as long as a dolphin and nowhere near as long as you wil;l hold your breath waiting for your Bitcoin to go up in value. Ok, I’m waiting too. Meh! So Julia Wheeler is an animal activist, a conservationist, a TV host and a deadset legend. Check out her incredible instagram @iamjuliawheeler Amazing.

WTF is Bitcoin?

Trader Cobb aka Craig Cobb has left the lucrative world of trading stocks to go into full blown Crypto trading. He is a straight shooting Bondi bloke who knows his stuff back to front as you may have seen in the recent episode on 60 Minutes Bitcoin episode in February 2018. During his 15 plus years experience in traditional markets like stocks, FX, commodities and bonds (as well as over 6 years as a mentor to tens of thousands of traders), TraderCobb has worked with some of the biggest names in trading. Having travelled the world, presenting his knowledge to traders, who were looking to either make trading their new life or improve upon their current trading skills. If you already know what a blockchain is fast forward a little past our Bitcoin 101 introduction where we talk about a variety of coins, what to look out for and how to navigate your way through this very exciting and world changing space. Craig host many courses and on line training for people wanting to venture into this space.
Its a great chat and we will be having many more in the future I’m sure.

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