Mikey G in da USA

So finally I get a holiday!!!!

Headed to NY, Park City Utah and downtown Las Vegas.

Heres some party pic’s…..

Club called Celio in New York. The whole room is one big speaker pumping fat beats to your brain.

HALO HALO HALO….Wax Museum in Vegas….

Outside the Bellagio in vegas…

Catchin up with Jenna Jamison…..at the wax museum.

Park City UTAH Skiing.

YoUrE FIrED!! Thanks Mr TRUMP!

I kind of got wrapped up in the BLUE MAN SHOW in VEgas.

A day in the life….

Today I went to the car wash and a lovely young lady called Bear blackened my tyres

(like my Pizza Hut Iraq hat?)

Her workmates tell me that her name is Bear due to the tanties the displays occasionally, like an angry Bear. Really I couldnt see it myself, she seemed like such a lovely young lady and when it came to tyre blackening she curved and weved her way around my faded rims like a pro.

Also went out to the Smith Family’s hamper packing at the convention centre. Good to do something for the needy this Christmas!

Was going to see the premiere of the new Russell Crowe, Densel Washington movie “American Gangster”, when I had my mate from Nova, Ben Clayton, proclaim he had tickets for the Veronicas concert at the entertainment center. Being a muso myself I thought it would be great to see the girls and band in full flight for free. No seats for us up the back or at the side where we could nonchalantly sneak in unnoticed. We were three rows from the front, led in by the usher with a big torch that he may as well of shone on us and got the band to announce that there were two straight blokes together at the veronicas concert over the age of 13. How embarrassing, I believe the picture tells a story. Love the girls in the band, but due to the ear piercing screaming and strange looks from parents in the audience we were there for three songs. What losers.

Mike In The Middle


So I decided to buy a moleskin diary from Sydney airport and keep a daily diary on my trip to Iraq and Afghanistan with the Australian defense forces. You should see my writing, its terrible, so Ive transcribed it all for you to read here with some cool pictures I took while performing for two weeks in late October with Doc Neeson from the Angles, Entertainer Alexis Fishman, Comedienne Gary Bradbury and the Australian Army band Sydney. Enjoy…..


Well im in Perth this weekend for the Network Ten programme launch for 2008. Theyre so excited about the new HD channel and the amount of cool shows for next year. I also have family here so I caught up with them while I’ve been here. My niece Arlea was awesome last night in her carols by candle light at St Dominick’s Innaloo. Can you believe theres a suburb called Innaloo?! Arlea was a baby lamb in the school play. Very cute.

Tonight I’m going top a club in Perth called the Library. Come and say hello if youre around!

The Driving Conditions

(Its a myth, vampires dont burn in the sun)

Went to see the survivors of my last rock n roll band in their new noisemakers called “the Driving Conditions.” Sol Freeman their base player and Nathan Wood the lead singer and an amazing musician were in my band “Polish” ten years ago.

click here to hear the smash hit (that sold 63 copies) “Alien Holiday”

Driving Conditions are the best thing to come out of Brisbane since the Bee Gees, but not dance. Well actually, the best thing since Savage Garden, but not sissy boy music. Um, how can I phrase this? Well let me just say that when it comes to rock, these boys deserve a mention in the geology section of your school science book. I am going to do everything I can to make them mega stars like we did with the Potbelliez on Big Brother.

On the way to the show, I ran into some kid on holidays from the middle east, Abu Dhabi I think. His name was sunni and he tagged along with us. Little dorky dude who followed me round like a bad smell. He ended up pashing some blond tart that looked like she was on with half the blokes in the club. If you like ROCK, get into the driving Conditions!

GET TO THE NEXT SHOW!!!!! www.thedrivingconditions.com


All together now, “sailing, we are sailing, over water….. far away….. I am trying….. forever dying to be near you…. who can say”, I think thats how it goes. Aw beautiful, Rod Stewart I believe.
Just got back from my first ever real solo (with Tanya)sailing mission. We set off for Tangalooma on Saturday and came home Sunday. Weather was dodgy getting there and back but we managed to survive. Moored at the Tangalooma wrecks where we snorkeled, swam and paddled our dingy ashore to try the steakhouse. Food there was great! We had the barra and 400k rump. Saw the Dolphin show too! We’re very sunburnt. There were some crazy chicks on a blow up tyre tube being flung round in the nude near the boat wrecks. Very dangerous! Weather was okay, I think I will do it again for sure. Need a faster boat but as it takes four hours to get there on my slow ass sail boat.

Idol Finale

Went to our first Idol finale on Monday and had an absolute ball.
What a night! I got goosebumps when Lionel Richie hit the stage, Natalie Gauchi singing was incredible and seeing the Divynals back in action was fantastic. Cant say much for the technical side of the show, but these things happen, I know what thats like (BBro finale07!!) Natalie really deserved to win in my opinion, she wanted it more and was really passionate about her songwriting. After speaking to Mark Holden at the wrap party It was obvious that was why he hammered Matt Corby and made him cry. Poor sensitive pretty boy Matt is too young and alternative for the Idol comp. He was only there because of little girls voting for him and a neat trick where he can hold a note for a really long time. Natalie is a far better talent.

The after party at the opera house had crap alcohol, a shit DJ and too many people. Luckily on the way out I ran into my mate and Idol floor manager Michael Venables and Idol Exec Producer Greg Baness who let us into the staff only wrap party where Andrew G was DJ. My girl and I danced our arses off and played a special game of So you think you can dance/so you think you can kick me in the nuts. This is where I danced really silly overdone interpritave dance moves and she had to try to kick me in the nuts. It was quite funny to watch….Well….if you were drunk.

Hi Im Kyle Sandilands…..Well, not really….

So at about 12.05 am on Thursday night/Friday morning I was at a bar in Sydney called De Nom about to drink a disgusting cocktail with fig’s and gin in it when I got a text from Tom the producer of the Kyle and Jackie O show. “Kyle is sick, can you please fill in from 4.30am tomorrow?”, was the brief message. Thank FCUK I didnt have to drink this stupid bloody cocktail, I thought, and went straight home to bed. So after about three hours sleep, we interviewed Mat and Nat the finalists of Idol, Craig David and Peter Costello on the eve of the election. Pretty full on and considering my TV show Friday Night Download was on that night against Funniest Home Videos. This was an extremely lucky opportunity to promote our show. It didn’t stop there as Kyle couldn’t do an MTV special with the Rogue Traders so I filled in for him there too. It was fun being him for a day thats for sure!

So the big Idol finale is on Sunday and Im going with my girlfriend Tanya for the first time.

Cant wait!……

MTV Rogue

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