Big Brother Launch

This is my eighth year of Big Brother and I couldn’t be more excited to be coming back to host Friday Night Live and watching the house mates compete against each other in our wacky games. Without doubt this will be the most diverse and different bunch of housemates we’ve ever seen, the most controversial hosts and the most incredible amount of twists and turns we’ve ever seen.

I absolutely see BB as one of the greatest shows in the world today that is still successful in over 30 countries. Where else can you see people on television, forgetting the cameras are on, pouring their hearts out about their life problems. They could vent or share about anything from parents breaking up or watching them falling in love.

I have seen so many moments on Big Brother that have brought tears to my eyes and even more that have made me laugh uncontrollably. I will be letting you know what I really think of the house mates right here every day and sharing the many funny, bizarre moments from behind the scenes on Friday Night Live and the other shows that I’m a part of. The dramas that happen to house mates when they leave the compound and the stories that unfold in the house. This weeks theme for Friday Night Live was supposed to be a secret but this photo taken in Ryan Fitzgerald’s dressing room kind of gives away the theme.
No its not “Muppets in Space”, or even “Kermit the Frog and Chewbaccas love child”. Its actually an “Out Of This World” theme.

The BB opening night show tonight at 7.30 on Ten is going to be an absolute cracker with the littlest, youngest, oldest and biggest breasted bunch of house mates ever with more twists and turns than any other year.
When you see where the housemates have to sleep together in the same bed you will piss yourself laughing. So far we’ve had a sneak preview and seen Saxxon, (not Gretskys ex toy boy) the Alien Conspiracy theorist from Adelaide, Dixie from Dubbo the Councilor and Terri the Sydney nanna who thinks all religion is evil and Pauline Hanson rocks.

Kyle and Jaci O are going great and have settled in quite nicely I think. They both have much bigger dressing rooms than me and I’m still stuck in a freakin broom closet which really sucks but I don’t spend much time in my dressing room anyway. Tomorrow Bree, Fitzy and I will be filming a new drama series for Friday Night Live called “The Bald and The Beautiful”. Its a bizarre new sitcom that we will play every week. Here is our first exclusive and dramatic look, what do you think, quite sexy aren’t we?

As the new BB jingle goes, “I DONT THINK SO”.

You bet it’s going to be one hell of a ride this year, who’s coming with me?
Get online and chat with me here every Thursday afternoon.

Heres the ones we know about, meet the rest tonight from 7pm on Ten.

32-year-old spunky firefighter, David who escaped a religous cult to be a part of the show. (well a few years later anyway)

Big Brother in Little China

Im back from China and the Olivia Newton John fund raiser.

Had a ball but got very sick with some freaky Chinese bird flu thing.

Actually most of the people on the tour got sick.

I reckon if you’re a betting man, which i’m not, you should bet on China to win the most medals at this years Olympics as Im pretty sure every athlete will get some freaky virus that most of us got when we were there.

Anyhoo, Big Brother starts this weekend and Its my eighth year, can you believe I kept a job for this long?

No more UP LATE, cause Channel Seven and Channel Nine stuffed the whole late night game show thing by doing it wrong.


They did it in a horrible money grabbing way and my show was fun and entertaining while giving away money.

Hence there are no more people willing to call up for the quizzes and games. Thanks Nine and Seven.

The Up Late ratings were still massive, so thats not to blame for the show being taken off at all.

Thanks for the thousands of e mails and letters asking why UP LATE is not back but the good news is if youve got HD there should be a live streaming element on TEN HD TV, Three Mobile and the big brother website.

Courier Mail Brisbane has the GREAT WALK Blog…..

Yes while in China I’m blogging my journey for the Courier Mail. Call me a sellout or whatever you will but the truth is their advertising budget will surely get a lot more hits than my little site and its all about the hits baby, and you know I love big hits!You can view it here!! And sponsor me here!!

Go on, you know you want to!!!

Great Walk To Beijing

“The brand new Great Wet & Wild Wall of China”In case you haven’t heard I’m sliding down the Great Wall of China to Beijing with Olivia Newton John.We’re raising funds to help find a cancer cure and theres only a few days left till I head off with Sir Cliff Richard, Dannii Minogue, Jimmy Barnes, AJ Rochester and many more. If you could possibly spare a few bucks to help us find a cure I will promise to be funnier on my TV shows, be nicer to Bree and Fitzy, call my mother more often and most of all, walk a hell of a long way along the Great wall of China! Will be interesting to see how Olivia handles me singing the Grease Megamix for 246 kilometers. Hey you’ve gotta do something to pass the time, Its a bloody long way!Go to to sponsor me and find out more about this great challenge for a great cause….

!!!!!!!!HOLLYWOOD GOLD!!!!!!!!

What and insane weekend flying to the Musswellbrook show to host the world record water pistol fight attempt, the Musswellbrook Showgirl comp and the Hollywood Gold magic show with Matt Hollywood.Matt organized flights out of Brisbane from 6am to Newcastle, that really sucked.To pay him back I took photos of him sleeping. Very funny. Also this dude a few rows over who had an interesting looking chin.Along for the ride was Kylie Smith as our super star magic girl. We stayed at a fab place called the John Hunter Motel and were looked after really well. They let us hang by the pool drinking red cordial till very very late.The Upper Hunter Show has been running for something like a hundred and eighteen years or something and unfortunatley for them the numbers were down a little but we all had a blast. This was also the launch of the Hollywood Gold DVD that Matt and I produced a few weeks ago and If you want one go to and you can learn some of the really cool tricks that we have been doing on the tour. Had a go at the dodgems and almost broke my neck. Probably my fault for driving them backwards with my eyes shut. Sunday morning we woke to find the big Ronald McDonald statue outside our hotel room after a big night.  Some wacky person from the night before had decided to steal him and show him a good time. Thanks to the young fellas from Maccas for picking him up.If theres any Red headed babies running around the Upper hunter in about nine months you know what happened. Ronald is a party animal.Matt and I were asked to stay in Sydney for the Premiere of the new Harry Houdini movie called,”Death Defying Acts”. Pretty damn cool movie about the worlds greatest magician I must say. Was embarrassing when asked on the red carpet by Angela Bishop if I was a fan of the Director Gillian Armstrong’s work and replying, “yeah I love the X Files”, thinking she said Gillian Anderson aka Scully. It gets worse. When entering the cinema I arrived to find that the whole cinema was watching my red carpet fumble.The after party was extravagant and as you can see we met a few cool people…

Mike in the Solo’gold’man Islands

So its time for another adventure with the armed forces. First it was Afghanistan, Iraq and other places I’m not allowed to mention in the middle east, this time the Solomon Islands.

After becoming independent from the British in 1978 there’s been all sorts of trouble over the last ten years between islands, ethnic settlers and what was a very corrupt government. More recently the Aussie troops, Australian Federal Police and an international contingent have been keeping the peace and sorting out the corruption. In 2007 there was also widespread damage and around 30 deaths after an undersea earthquake caused a tsunami. Without going into the whole political thing too much, the place looks to be coming along really well with the help of the RAMSI (Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands) and a lot of well spent taxpayers money. Australians are there for up to one year at a time working hard to help educate, train and lead this country towards a brighter future, so after being asked to pop on over to host some shows I jumped at the chance. Along for the ride my good friends Jed Zarb, Ami Williamson, Nikki Gillis and “the legend” John Williamson.

I hosted a few rounds of Friday night games, sang some songs, hosted a trivia night and even spun out the local islanders with a few magic tricks.

Friday night Games Solomon Style…

A Game of Peg Face in Honiara City. Someones got a camel toe goin on…..

I even made the front page of the local paper!

When we landed at the airport in Honiara we were greeted by about 400 local villagers, waving and cheering. We thought it was awesome, they love us! “Hello Honiara”, I was cheering and then someone tapped me on the shoulder and told me that they weren’t waving at us they were waving at their friends and family getting on the plane we just got off. Embarrassing….

We all shared rooms and roughed it a bit in the name of entertainment and I have to say I never thought I would be lucky enough to meet country folk music legend John Williamson let alone see him in walking around in his undies in the middle of the night.

The first show we had was at the Honiara arts center in the middle of town. We had nearly two thousand locals come out to see our show. I hosted the whole thing and threw in a few friday night games style events and some magic tricks to entertain the crowd. Special thanks to my good buddies Mez and The Wise Man who helped me translate to pidgeon for the crowd.

Unfortunately when Nikki Gillis was performing the power blew out and we lost half the crowd, but they came back an hour later when the Army supplied generators.Went back to the GBH (Gwadal Beach Hotel) base for dinner and a big night of wacky games between the Army and Federal Police.I was helped by the lovely Kylie, Jules and Tanya to organize peg face, pilchard eating, blindfolded soccer, obstacle courses and more.Next day there wasn’t enough room on the chopper to fly me to Melita with the bands so luckily for Tanya and I we got to go diving on a Japanese Sub wreck and troop carrier on Benigi Beach and Versalies. There are some amazing dive sites around the Solomons, more than beautiful coral and fish, there are amazing wreck dives from world war two when the Japanese, American forces went head to head.Kylie and Jules with the help of Tony from the Fedral Police who organized for us to go diving. Without their hard work we would never have seen such amazing sites. So thanks again guys.









As you can see the diving is amazing. We got down to about 30 meters and saw turtles, gropers, sting rays, mantas, turtles, trevally, angel fish and many other tropical species. One thing we had to keep an eye out for were crocodiles. There are many rivers around the solomon containing big ass crocs that are always messing with the villagers. Luckily none were around when we were diving today. This is a video of the wreck we dived on Benigi beach.


That night Tanya and I hosted the Trivia night where I pulled a few cool magic tricks and sang a couple of songs with covers king Jed Zarb. When in the Solomons we were told at all times we had to keep our on stage antics extremely clean due to the some 97% Christian population of the Solomons. Even though today we heard a song on PAWA FM by the Barefoot man that went on about stroking bananas, squeezing coconuts and drinking his cassava juice.


Next day I was on that station with DJ Joel who caught wind of my interest in the song. So much for keeping it above the belt. We then went to the local prison where there are more murderers per capita than anywhere in the world. The aussies help run the place and keep the prison guards in check who are known for helping prisoners escape. The main reason for this kind of behavior is the Wontok system where as if someone is in your tribe and in trouble, needing a job, money or any kind of help you must, as a member of their tribe oblige in anyway you can. In some ways this is where the corruption comes into play.


We then headed to an outpost about an hour out of town where one two charlie platoon were based to keep an eye on things. After an intimate show we noticed a lot of photos pretty girls on the wall next to a pile of letters. Apparently one of the boys sent letter and photos to Cleo explaining the lonesomeness of men in the army a long way from home with no female contact for months. When they’re bored they write letters back to their admirers who often send raunchy pictures and offers of many different kinds of fun.


That night we had the last concert in the Solomons at GBR, on the back of a truck for the Federal Police and ADF.


Amy Williamson did a great version of the Angels, Am I ever going to see your face again. JZ and Nikki Gillis performed their thing and John Williamson turned anyone in the crowd who wasnt previously into a massive fan.


I did my usual wacky games plus, fashions on the field won by an officer called Billy Gyatt, an army versus federal police arm wrestling comp, thumb wrestling comp and body building pose off.


I really admire the work that RAMSI and the local government officials are doing to help build this country. Fighting off Malaria, Dengue Fever and other local parasites while helping one of our countries neighbors in so many ways is an extremely admirable thing.


I hope that anyone who reads this, understands that the people of the Solomons really appreciate the hard work that these Aussie legends are doing and that we should too.



Local troops with John Williamson.

David Jones Launch

On Saturday night I attended one of the best parties to hit Brisbane in years,

the launch of David Jones amazing new store in Queens Plaza Brisbane city.

Amazing pear martini cocktails and some drink with vodka, lemongrass and ginger beer.

My head still hurts today from too many of those little buggars. Im never drinking again. Yeah right!

A mingling Meggsy Gale, Brian McFadden , a show by his lovely Delta G where there to pump the party atmosphere.

The food was pretty damn good too, served up by super star chef Alister Mcleoud of Bretts Wharf, Ready Steady Cook fame.

Okay the party was great, but what about the store? My credit card should be very afraid because all my favorite labels are there. The Diesel store had some great new stuff in it i really wanted to buy for my next disco dancing lesson. Oh that reminds me……
Tried on a few things too until security asked me politely to put them back on the rack. That dancin dude kinda looks like a Russian version of David Devine whom I spoke to with his lovely wife.
All the channel 9, 7 and 10 local TV people were there but channel 7 had the scoop on the show with Megan Gale in the 6pm bulletin.

Next big party were heading to is this Saturday night in Melbourne for the last ever D&D Ball. If you want to come theres still tickets left and some awesome acts playing. Get your tickets at

See you there.

Hopefully my headache from the DJs party has worn off by then!

Photo Shannon Malloy

Does this look like Tanya is pushing me away. Well I was a bit tipsy, I don’t blame her.

Stinky Feral Day Out

You’ve all been there, you’ve all seen it.

Big Day Out. The biggest festival of smelly, tattooed, dread locked drugged off their nut ferals in Australia.

I love it for the music, but seriously its the worst crowd of people ever.

The sound this year was nothing on previous years, Bjork was like cirq de soiel without the acrobats, the line up to get a drink

was two hours long and the dunnies were the usual pathetic wait. I mean really, how much money do they have to make until

theyre happy? The people who run BDO are money hungry pigs in my eyes.

Did like the electro man display. Thats was amazing.

Also saw a great Aussie band called KRILL. They were kick ass indie pop at its best.

The lead singer is a hot babe who really knows how rock out!

Operator Please were refreshing and so too was Josh Pyke.

Wouldnt bother with the other el cheapo American crap bands on offer like Anti Flag and Midnight Juggernaughts.

Regurgitator put on a good show but lacked the usual flair. I thought the boys really weren’t pushing themselves. They could

do a lot better. I always thought of them as a band that had a could try harder and achieve more if they applied themselves.

Hey thats weird, I feel like a school teacher doing a report card.

Hey maybe Im just a disgruntled musician.



Went to the premiere of Cloverfield last night and was surprised from the second the movie started. I thought it could have been some mistake, cinema malfunction or a dumb joke. By the end of the movie I wasn’t sure If I liked it or was just impressed by the brilliant originality of this film. I really cant say too much about this movie without giving away its punch.

So Its disaster movie shot on handycam with awesome special effects and some really scary scenes. Definitely worth a look.

After the movie I went for dinner at the Lychee Lounge West End for a few Lychee martinis. Tasty!

Local bar UBER was overpacked. Great bar with cool music but its really stupid that you cant have a beer on their balcony.

!!We’re Engaged!!

Yes Its true!!!!!!!!I proposed to my beautiful girlfriend Tanya.

As of this moment it is a national day of mourning for single men and women everywhere.

Condolences to you all. For immediate counseling, lifelines number is :

13 11 14

They are trained to offer emotional support in times of crisis or when callers may be feeling down.

But seriously, It was one of the most nerve racking, and by far the best thing I’ve ever done.We made the announcement at Tanyas birthday party on Saturday night in front of friends and family.We’re both so happy!Its something I wanted to do for the last few months but kept putting the proposal off because everyone thought we were going to do it.I never thought I would do it until I met Tanya, she really means the world to me and is everything I could ever wish for in a partner.We’re loving sharing our friends, family, laughs, experiences and lives together, but the underwear sharing has to stop.Its just weird. Lace really isn’t my thing, it gives me a rash.

So there you go, Mikey G’s gettin’ hitched! Why wouldn’t I? Check out how hot she is!!

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