Pamela Anderson

I finally get to meet the girl that I first went to bed with. Sure it was a magazine and sure I cut my nose on her staple but it still means a hell of a lot to me okay!You wouldn’t believe the hype that has been whirled up by the Bay watch babe going on my show, its almost overwhelming!  She will be right next to me on Friday Night Live and Im going to do a couple of things that may get me into the poo poo with my bosses. Im sure shes into doing fun stuff so Im going to get my mate Matt Hollywood to saw her in half or levitate her or something. How cool will that be! 

Couldn’t be stuffed

This will so look like an info-mercial.I am so lazy at the moment. I really couldnt be bothered training or getting fit.about 6 months ago I was training every day and I have found that I just don’t have the time. I do one sit up a day, I sit up in the morning and lay down at night. Lazy MO FO, anyway after big Brother I will have more time to lose my flabby gut. I was going to put a photo of it here but I just looked at them and was disgusted. Why am I even writing this. I should be going for a run or something. Australia now has the highest obesity rate in the world which I find really hard to believe because when I was in the US when everywhere I looked there was a Jabba the hut baby human lurking.  Im going to the gym now!!!! 

Get Smart on Friday Night Live

It was really really weird with people like Richard Wilkins, Hamish and Andy and a few other TV type celebs around to interview Steve Carrel and Anne Hathaway  for the new Get Smart movie. They were looking at me as if to say, what the hell are you doing here. Well I was there to interview the stars for Friday Night live’s Spy Night. What I got them to do was a suprise to everyone. Steve put pegs on his nipples and Anne put them on those big sexy lips of hers. You have to watch this Friday night at 7.30 to see what happened.


Finally after years of having our arses kicked, FNL is beating the footy.FOOTBALL gets promoted in every newspaper in the country every day of the week and every sports bulliten and we kick its arse! How good is that!GO BIG BRO FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE!!!!! 


Bree Amer, Ryan Fitzy Fitzgerald and I are back the week after Big Brother with our new show, Friday Night Download. If you have any cool web videos that you’ve made yourself please send them to me and we’ll try to get them on the show.Not just stuff you find on the web but cool stuff that you may have uploaded yourself is what were  looking for.If you’re really really good looking and you want tickets for the shows live audience filming starts in Sydney in a few weeks.   Send me an e mail and I’ll forward it to our producers. P.S It has nothing to do with our new show, but heres a photo of the buxom beauty Bianca from Big Brother in a bikini

Dixie Chicken

mikeyjackiAs the latest evictee from the Big brother house, Dixie shoved her face into a bucket of KFC I thought to myself this is really weird.

She was into it like a Mercedes Corby lawyer onto Anna Coren from Today Tonight and I was thinking, how the hell did I get here?

I never thought in a million years I would have a turn at hosting the Sunday eviction show and yesterday when I got the call from BB management telling me that KYLE was sick and they wanted me to fill in I thought it was a joke.

King Kyle has a chest infection and is recovering well I hear. Lets hope he comes back this weekend to stir things up.

After 8 years working on the show, starting out as voiceover and crowd warm up man It was something that I never really thought I would ever get the chance to do. Gretel didnt have a sick day in 7 years. I didn’t ring any friends or family to tell them that I was doing it because I really didn’t think it was going to happen. What a buzz being up there in front of that roaring crowd, they were so full on.

The intruders were great but Im really annoyed at Terrance. He promised to stir things up but went into the house and did sod all. He didn’t even stick up for Terri when Nobbi was absolutely hammering her last night. He was being an absolute bastard, screaming at Terri like a f%*$ing moron. He may be funny and have a lot of fans, but theres no reason to speak to an old lady like that. As annoying as she can be, I really felt for her.

Random Rant: The Nurofen Ad

You know the wedding commercial where the mother of the bride or some old dodgy nanna puts some nurofen/headache pills on the brides dress?  Wouldn’t you be pissed off if you were expecting cash to be stuck to you and this old mole staples some headache pills to your dress. What is that saying? HEY BITCH YOU’RE A RIGHT HEADACHE! Is a cheap present, the worst last minute present you could ever imagine. Shit! I forgot a wedding present, I know I’ll just give her this half used out of date packet of pills from my purse.
They should have had a punch up right there and then at the wedding.



My GAWD!!! The people who comment on my blog at the Courier are so hardcore.

Some of the stuff theyre writing are so mean. Go and have a look! (just go to the BLOG section)
Eight years and going strong Big Brother fired up a new show called Big Mouth last night. Pretty damn cool, I must say well well done to all involved.

Im off to my future father in laws birthday tonight, well done for making it this far Steve and than ks for letting me marry your daughter!

Hey Ive got to say Im really pissed off that Big Brother didnt get the Logie again this year. BUMMER.

Thats all, I shouldnt really winge about it anymore.

The logies was fun, I met Peter Hellier, hes cool, Roves script writers were a funny bunch and Daryl Summers was a freakin legend. Loved talking to him about TV and stuff.

Mike Blogging for the Courier Mail

Hello fine friends of

During Big Brother I will be a Big Blogger for News Ltd ,(the Courier Mail). So pop by and see what Im ranting about there!!

Of course I will post other wack stuff here like, what I think of party boy Todd Mckenny, how much my head weighs and weather or not I miss hosting the UP LATE show.

Todays my forst day back into the daily grind of Big Bro. Its meantal this year. At first I thought,”what a strange bunch of coconuts”, but as I watch them over the last few hours I really am starting to love them.

Its going to be an awesome series.

Friday Night Live with be freakin massive!!

This Friday night is “out of this world night”, were house mates will have to hang onto a spaceship for dear live, dress as aliens and fight to win a very cool prize.

Also see the premiere of “Miami Bryce”. Listen to his new jingle.
miami bryce

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