V Australia to L.A on Wednesday….

G’Day L.A heres my showreel!
I’ve Been Dreaming of L.A for years, Lucky I haven’t hurt myself while doing so.
bg1This Wednesday I fly to Los Angeles with Sir Dicks new airline V Australia for their inaugural Bris-L.A flight with a stack of celebrities.

I cant believe that they didnt invite you!! I waill have words with sir Dick!!

I’m going to be your celebrity chaser in L.A, get ready for some dirt.

Big party in L.A at the Mondrian hotel in Hollywood when we get there too.

Then I’m heading to a private Hollywood hills party at aussie actor Tottie Goldsmiths house. Should have some awesomelicious celebrity gossip there too!

I just found out I’ve scammed my way backstage for the upcoming Brittany Spears Concert at the Stapleton centre on the 15th!!!! Woooo wooooo, its Brittany Bitch!!
Also escorting about 300 competition winners to L.A too!!!
My new publicity picture was taken today by local photographer Henryk Lobaczewski from henrykphoto.com who is a good mate of mine…

I wouldn’t recommend this kind of thing but, I actually burnt my sausage on the shoot. Yeeeoooch!!

L.A here we come!

Mikey xxxxx

Hippies Ruined My Night

Why does saving the environment, loving trees, hating big corporations and eating lots of lentils mean that you have to stink, be really ugly and have absolutely no dress sense?
There was a swarm of smelly booger faced hippies at my show last night to see a crap band with a dodgy P.A. I wish I could shovel them all into a hippy crusher and fertilize my lawn with their stinky juice. Screw you hippies!


They frustrate me, normally I’m a real controller thrower when it comes to video games, but the new PS3 game, “The Brain Of OZ”, its love at first Buzz. I have been a fan of the game since I first played the music version at EA games Westfield Parramatta one day after ditching my over shopportunistic girlfriend who was annoying the crap out of me. I so rate the little free video game oasis that pops up at your local shopping centre just when you need an escape. Hideout for hours at a time ignoring the whining phone in your pocket crying out for money to buy dodgy shoes or to be summoned into a change room for a “does my bum look big in this”, check. Usually I go for the third person shoot em ups, like Medal of Honour, Quake, Halo or Fallout. But when you’ve got a bunch of non video game lovers over for chow, nothing beats the BUZZ. The quiz game is hosted by BUZZ who jumps around with these amazing energy legs dogging you out if you lose. Buzz is voiced by the legendary Jason Donovan. The controllers are wireless, unlike the old tangley versions and it now comes in the all new all Aussie rendition. Yesterday I hosted the launch of “Buzz The Brain Of Oz”, among gameshow legends Greg Evens from Perfect Match, who is now a wedding celebrant, Wheel Of Fortunes Baby John Burgess who works on AM music radio in Melbourne and New Price Is Right man, Ian Turpie who is an actor on the coolest TV show right now, SBS’s Swift and Shift written by televisionary Pauly Fenech. Go Turps! Love the funeral ads. I dont know who does his make up in those ad’s an embalmer maybe? He looks much better in real life. Anyway people, ditch your shopping sherpa and go and buy BUZZ The Brain Of OZ, it’s awesome in a can.
Oh and Come to my UNDERBELLY party this Saturday night at the Melbourne hotel in Brisbane.
Mikey 😉

Greg Evans, Ian Turpie, Mike Goldman and Baby John Burgess
Greg Evans, Ian Turpie, Mike Goldman and Baby John Burgess

Come to Mikes underbelly Party!!!!!!

Those naughty monkeys at the Melbourne hotel and I have another cracking party
for you to come to.
Im doing my usual on stage madness but this time with Carl Williams from Underbelly and a few of his mates aka Alex D and Gyton G. If you were at the last party we threw there you will know that this is one hell of a cool new place to hang out. Better than any of the pretentious wanky valley clubs. This awesome bar is my new home I think.


Grantie and Manelli

My Dad Grant got married on the weekend to the lovely Manel.
Everyone is saying it was by far the best wedding ever!
Singers, Rugby league Mascots and even belly dancing.
Oh by the way, thats me singing in the background.
Grantie and Manelliiiiii……
Give him a call on 131269 anytime between 6 and 9am on RAdio 2SM Sydney.

Hard Rock Cafe……Anzac DAY ROCK!!!!

Hi there I’m Mike Goldman and this Anzac day Im paying tribute to our geat Australian Heroes…. Of rock!
Three of Australias hottest up coming bands. If you like AC DC your gonna love The Driving Conditions
If you love the veronicas, Your gone love three hot babes called Dozzi
Plus super cool solo artist Ben Clayton. Its all hapening Anzac Day April 25 which is a Saturday Night, Hosted by me at The Hard Rock Cafe Cavill Ave Surfers. Theres a couple of other shows in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast as well if you would like to come.
Tickets available at The Hard Rock or on the door.


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