Kyle Boned

I can’t believe just because the guy tells a bad joke he gets suspended again.
It’s all over the news and now his job is under threat. Kyle isn’t the only DJ in town, you know you can listen to anything else on about fifty other stations if you don’t like it. I really don’t understand what all the hype is about. Sure he said a bad joke about Magda Szubanski, big deal. Having a jewish name Im not defending what he said about her losing weight if you put her in a concentration camp. I’m just saying if you don’t like it, don’t listen. Just like when Big Brother copped it. Dont watch you idiots who love to complain. I think everyone knows that by now.
Its the stupid journalists out there that don’t like Kyle, for one reason or another, see it as an opportunity to get him sacked and all they’re doing is giving him publicity. I wish I could get that amount of publicity on my little tiny tincey baby digital radio show that I just started doing. (6-9 weekday mornings on GORILLA) Anyway, I like Kyle and I consider him a friend. Kyle, like me, loves to give people a stir. Its obviously working for him, so well done buddy, thanks to the media reporting on you, watch your ratings soar.

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