Hello there my onthemike.com friends,
Its time to pay you back for all your loyal support with some free with some free stuff!
My Channel TEN show Download is returning in the next few weeks featuring some of the funniest stuff Ive ever seen on TV and we’re running a competition called “The Download Upload”We’re looking for your funniest and most amazing original videos. So grab your camera, shoot some comedy gold and upload it to our site. It could be a home video, comedy sketch or just something that cracks you up. Please try not to hurt yourself, but if you do and its on tape, send that in too as you might just win something!Prize Details: Yes we have over $30,000 worth of awesome sony products to give away like SONY Handycam TG1’s, $500 worth of SONY BMG CD’s and DVD’s.Plus if your video is judged the best of the season, you’ll win a 32†BRAVIA LCD TV, HDRSR12 Handycam camcorder and Sony Vegas HD editing software plus $1,000 worth of SONY BMG CD’s and DVD’s!
Good luck and see you on DOWNLOAD, back real soon on Network Ten.
Visit our site for more details. ten.com.au/download
Mike Goldman