Ok so Judd Wild is so humble they could name a pie after him. He would HATE the headline I just wrote for him, but its TRUE!!! He is the worlds best stuntman in my eyes. He has won so many awards all over the world, performed the most amazing stunts in movies from Mad Max to the X Men. Definitely the go to guy for stunts in Australia.
This is why I thought it was the perfect opportunity to try my hand at doing my own stunts. Unfortunately it didn’t work out so good. See if you can figure out where the stuntman took over.
Sonia Kruger
Sonia Kruger
Host of The Voice, Dancing with The Stars, Big Brother and Today Extra, Sonia Kruger is an Aussie TV favourite. As an actor she was Tina Sparkles in the international smash hit Strictly Ballroom. She’s a legend and much loved by everyone who works with her. What’s the real Sonia like? Find out as we put her On The Mike.
Josh Wade
So I met Josh through mutual friends after watching his amazing stand up and You Tube channel for years. His character performances are world class. He’s like a Chris Lilly with attitude.
He has millions of die hard fans on line who follow him like Harvey Weinstein follows a wanna be actor to a hotel room.
Ok that was bad.
We have a stack of fun chatting about his career and mine in this double cast. His podcast and mine at the same time.
“Double cast” I came up with that name. Impressed? What no?!? Ok. Well have a listen, I’m sure you will be.
Its also my first video podcast as well. Hope you enjoy one of Australias most loved comedians Josh Wade.
Shooting Goldman
Shooting Goldman from Mike Goldman on Vimeo.
We shot this feature film a few years ago in Bondi and it played in film festivals all over the world including a massive launch in LA.
A few years in the making we are all super proud of it and would love it if you checked it out.
Here’s a link to a Daily Mail story on the film…..
Worlds Best Bingo Announcer
In my quest to seek out the daring and dangerously different people who work ON THE MIKE, (I know the abbreviation for “microphone” is “Mic”) I tracked down Johnny Bongo from Bongos Bingo. This guy is a legend and one of the best live DJ/Bingo announcers and entertainers I have ever seen. Touring Australia with his madcap Bingo show, Johnny Bingo is on a different level. One of the most fun nights I’ve ever had and way better than any bingo night at your local RSL club. Johhny knows how to rock a party like now one else. It’s a super original idea and a show that sells out in minutes whenever tickets go on sale.
Please don’t forget to subscribe and give us a cheeky review.
Oh and if you really like the podcast please go to Patreon.com/onthemike and make a regular donation that helps us make this show possible.
Tim O Matic
Aussie Multi-platinum smash hitmaker Tim O Matic talks about the new album, So You Think You Can Dance, Australias Got Talent and his Nigerian background. See him July 23 at Club 23 in Melbourne.
Ben Darsow
Hes a fresh laugh-out-loud Australian observational & improvised standup comedian and he’s On The Mike. We did a show together at the Sydney Comedy Club and he was awesome. We had a great chat about the strange clubs he has played the world over and his stellar career that is on the rise. Please if you read this leave me a cheeky review on Apple Podcasts. Cheers 🙂
The 2017 City to Surf with its 80,000 runners will be bolting from the city of Sydney to Bondi beach in August. Long way to run for a beer I know, but what the heck, it’s for charity.
Sign up and sponsor me here…
If you’re a fundraising superstar who can pledge to raise $1,000, you can join our gold runners.
In addition to helping to raise funds and awareness for the children and families who attend The Shepherd Centre, you’ll receive the following benefits:
• Free entry
• Start ahead of the pack in the exclusive Gold Charity start group and you’ll start the race just behind the professional runners
• A Shepherd Centre running singlet and wristband
• Invitation to come and take a tour of one of our centres
• Personalised running bib and a Superstar finisher’s medal
In addition to the above, upon completion of the race you will also receive a very special piece of artwork from a child attending The Shepherd Centre to say thank you for your hard work and support.
Click the link below to become a Shepherd Centre Superstar or to find out more please contact our Events and Community Fundraising Coordinator Hannah via email Hannah.phillips@shepherdcentre.org.au or phone: 02 9370 4441
The “Hoges” mini series on Channel 7 starring Josh Lawson as Hoges was a blast and I can tell you first hand that Josh absolutely nails it. I was lucky enough to get a small role on the series as an American TV reporter interviewing Paul and his wife Delvine Delaney who in real life actually introduced my parents!! Is that weird or what??! I also did a couple of news style anchorman reports that tie together the story in this series where I had to grow this big cheesey 80 mustache and wear Miami vice style pastels. There is so much to this iconic Australians rise to fame that I didn’t know until being a part of this incredible mini series produced by Freemantle media and directed by Kevin Carlin . Love Kevin! He’s awesome to work with!! I’m sure Australians and other people around the world who watch this series will love Australia’s favorite son even more after seeing this series. Incredibly proud to be a part of it!
What is even more cool is the fact that Hoges side kick on the Paul Hogan show, Delvine Delaney introduced my mum and dad in real life. Mum says it like this.
“So I was in the Miss Australian Beach Girl Competition in 1971 and Delvine Delaney was chaperone for the Queensland representative. Then this guy called Grant Goldman came to meet his friend Delvine Delaney at the Contactio Motel, which is no longer around when I was introduced. After winning the competition I went on my winning trip to Hawaii, then when I got back there was a disco in town where I was and Grant came up and introduced himself. We went on a date after that and made two lovely boys, Mike and Jay Goldman.”
Mum back then and now sailing around Australia with her salty sea dog,”Dallas Williams”.

Nice one mum! She now sails around Australia and writes a blog called “Pensioner Pirates”.
See the cast and crew here http://www.imdb.com/title/tt5763748/
Mike “Anchorman” Goldman and Josh “Hoges” Lawson.
Director Kevin Carlin
Linda Klowslowski played by Laura Gordon
On The Mike
To book me please CALL Kathryn on 1300 66 95 85
or email kscott@kathyevans.com.au
Contact Ric here: ric@richerbert.com
Ok this is pretty self indulgent, but hey I have to let people know I’m back on the mike in voiceover land somehow.
I just recorded a new demo with my good buddies, Sydney voiceover legend Ric Herbert and Sydney audio engineer, super guru, Peter fast fingers McCorquodale from Crocodile studios at Rozelle in Sydney. I have been barking at the stick in the padded cell (voiceover booth) since I was a kid and just when I thought I knew everything, I learnt something new from some clever old dogs. Actually that is a shit analogy but you know what I mean. I get people e mailing me about VO work every week asking for advice and my advice is pay the money and get a coach, work with experienced people, always look for different angles and styles to change your approach and perspective on a script. Ric Herbert and Peter McCorquodale do amazing work together and I highly recommend them if you’re putting together a new VO demo. This is what they look like, but don’t let that put you off because they are extremely talented, smell quite nice and are very friendly. If you’re reading this thanks again guys!!

My agent is Kathryn Scott 1300 66 95 85