Damien “Beat Down” Brown

Comedian Rob Brown and I chat to UFC MMA fighter and Australian Army Solider who fought in Afghanistan Damien Brown, a few days before his big fight against Koji Takeda in Japan. How he’s feeling, what his chances are, what was it like to fight in the UFC and news of his exciting new public GYM in Brisbane. Special deals in this podcast for his GYM. A great chat about nutrition and training as well if you’re into that kind of thing which I’m not as its Easter right now and Im eating chocolate like I’m breathing fresh air.

Shaneal Sharma

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section” _builder_version=”3.21″ custom_padding=”4px|0px|4px|0px|true|false” link_option_url=”https://youtu.be/pqFRYpAthqY” link_option_url_new_window=”on”][et_pb_row custom_padding=”27px|0px|27px|0px|false|false” admin_label=”row” _builder_version=”3.21″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text” _builder_version=”3.21″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”]

My best buddy, my spiritual guru and long term friend. Former Aussie pop star with top ten global hits who is now shaking up the property market with an innovative concept that simplifies complicated process of buying and selling a home.


With a music career spanning over a decade, Shaneal Funk – or Shaneal Sharma in the business world – has gone from rubbing shoulders with Madonna to working with the likes of Grammy award winning artist and Kanye West affiliate, Malik Yousef, and producing for multi-platinum Australian recording artist Timomatic. 


<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/pqFRYpAthqY” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen></iframe>

 Listen on Acast…


Edited by Morgan at Picture Sound.


Follow Shaneal Sharma : Twitter / Instagram
















Cameron James

Episode 83 on “On The Mike” with Cameron James, one of Australia’s greatest comedians. Whether he’s fronting one of his sellout comedy shows, national TV shows or working on his up coming comedy series Cam is an Aussie super talent making his mark. We chat about comedy, conspiracy theories, Air BnB, politics, Mikes near death experience, the future and more.

Prof. John Ellerman (BSc, MASM, Consultant Microbiologist)

Gut Health with Prof. John Ellerman

One of the best microbiologists in the world with incredible insights into gut health and the latest research into the microbiome aka your gut. How your little tum tum can effect so many things to do with your health is mind blowing. John is a science graduate (Microbiology and Biochemistry) from the University of Sydney and a Member of the Australian Society for Microbiology. He served on the Advisory Board of the Food Science faculty at the University of Western Sydney (Hawkesbury) and on the Management Committee of the Government-funded Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Food Innovation at the University of NSW which included scientists from DSM (led by John), Goodman Fielder, UNSW and CSIRO Division of Dairy Research). Yeah, like he’s really really smart ok. So pay attention, this could help you be all healthy more and stuff.

Aussie Politics

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Australian Election News.

Director of news at Nova Entertainment, Host of “Who Doesn’t Love Politics” podcast on ACast, Media teacher, mum and incredibly talented woman Michelle Stephenson talks about the up coming election in Australia, News and Fake News, Clive Palmers political agenda, Mikes story about Tony Abbotts stopping boats in a Japanese restaurant in Manly and even how Mike thinks he is the George Soros of Australian politics.

Podcast shot and recorded at Picture Sound in Crows Nest.

Edited by Morgan at Picture Sound.

Follow Michelle Stephenson : Twitter / Instagram

Follow Mike Goldman : Twitter / Facebook / Instagram


Happy Australia Weekend

Let me sum it up because people are crapping on way too much about this to the point where it’s almost making me feel guilty celebrating what it means to be Australian. I freakin LOVE Australian Aborigines and everything about their incredible culture, the music, the art, to their awesome sense of humour. I don’t like it if my indigenous friends are sad and a couple, not all of them, are. So let’s throw them a party to celebrate them, us and everything that has ever been achieved by anyone of any race, creed or colour on this great land. Not just people, celebrate stuff! Toast the Harbour Bridge, Didgeridoos, The Diggers, Beer, The land, the Dreamtime, The Beach, Vegemite and the fact we are all awesome and super lucky to be here together in this amazing place. Celebrate not for one day but two days so the people who don’t want to move the date get a bonus to help them work with us. This is called, “The Australia Weekend” holiday. First weekend in February. Do it this year, yes, more parties and holidays please Government people. I could bang on a lot more about this but what we need now is a whole lot less devisive speak and more feel good IDEAS to show compassion, love and understanding for everyone who shares the greatest country on earth. Then hopefully it’s a step towards helping our indigenous brothers and sisters live in equality because there’s still a long way to go. But that’s another chat we need to have.

Mike Goldman

#AustraliaWeekend  #auspol

Professor Charlie Teo

Nude fundraisers, playing the bagpipes and toilet meditations are not what you would expect from one of the worlds best neurosurgeons. Professor Charlie Teo is an inspirational neurosurgeon who constantly pushes boundaries to the point where the medical world gets fully pissed off. When it comes down to it, Charlie gives people hope, time & life. In this interview he has some great stories about patients, his new foundation, research projects, awareness, fundraising and he even plays the bagpipes towards the end of the show. Please if you like, give the show a review on iTunes.

For more on Charlie please go to www.charlieteofoundation.com.au



Cheers 🙂 Mike



Kerryn Phelps

Congratulations Kerryn Phelps! She did the impossible! We need more people like her in parliament. It’s time for politics done differently and to get rid of the greedy politicians and their criminal parties. Can you believe there is no equivalent for ICAC at a federal level!? Kerryn will do everything she can to bring one in. Time to stop these morons from ruining our country.




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