$30,000 worth of SONY Products to give away!!!!!


 Hello there my onthemike.com friends,


Its time to pay you back for all your loyal support with some free with some free stuff!



    My Channel TEN show Download is returning in the next few weeks featuring some of the funniest stuff Ive ever seen on TV and we’re running a competition called “The Download Upload”We’re looking for your funniest and most amazing original videos. So grab your camera, shoot some comedy gold and upload it to our site. It could be a home video, comedy sketch or just something that cracks you up. Please try not to hurt yourself, but if you do and its on tape, send that in too as you might just win something!Prize Details: Yes we have over $30,000 worth of awesome sony products to give away like SONY Handycam TG1’s, $500 worth of SONY BMG CD’s and DVD’s.Plus if your video is judged the best of the season, you’ll win a 32” BRAVIA LCD TV, HDRSR12 Handycam camcorder and Sony Vegas HD editing software plus $1,000 worth of SONY BMG CD’s and DVD’s!

      Good luck and see you on DOWNLOAD, back real soon on Network Ten.

    Visit our site for more details. ten.com.au/download

    Mike Goldman

    Mikes New Showreel

    Hey there friends and neighbors. Check out my new reel featuring Steve Carrel, Anne Hathaway and Pamela Anderson. 

    And heres my Acting Showreel from some award winning Films like Tong Master, Ruse Corp, For the Boys and Wolfgang.Please let me know what you think!

    Morgan Spurlock at The Brisbane International Film Festival

    The 2008 Brisbane International Film Festival is rockin this year with Japanese splatterfests and search for Osama Bin Laden documentaries at the top of my must see list. I had the pleasure of knockin back a few beers with the creator of “Super Size Me” , Morgan Spurlock and my good buddy and international pop star Shaneal. Morgans new movie “Where in The World Is Osama Bin Laden” is an amazing eye opener of a movie and I had to congratulate Morgan on such great work. Better than Michael Moore ever did, better than anything Al Gore could conjure up and I can well say one of the most entertaining documentaries I’ve ever seen. In some parts its like a cool blockbuster movie rather than a documentary. Captivating, funny and informative while countering a great message that theres real people like you and me in the Middle East who want the same things out of life. I have been to Iraq and Afghanistan with the Australian Army and met a lot of the lovely people from these countries that you may have seen on over hyped and over done Fox news bulletins featuring crazy fundamentalists who give the wrong impression about these parts of the world. There are billions of people in these parts of the world who just want a nice place to enjoy life and raise a family in peace but there are too many religions and religious leaders that use the worlds problems to gain power that they shouldn’t have. There needs to be a definite line where a religious leaders responsibilities or job stops and where a politicians begins. Religious leaders are NOT qualified to be politicians and in most countries we have moved on from the middle ages where our politicians were dressed as priests.Wow, I really didn’t think I had that in me!Mike Goldman and the boys at the Australian base in Kandihar, Afghanistan.

    Blackberry Bold

    Yes It is the I Phone killer and the Mike brain cell killer. The launch last night in Sydney was massive, with dancing girls, acrobats, golf buggies and wack, yes I said wack, cocktails. Then it was the red wine, then a few Beck’s and Heineken. They gave everyone a Blackberry for going. How cool is that. Took my dad to the party but he wussed out early cause he had to work at 5am. Ended up at the piano bar under the Coke sign in kings cross with some biker dude from Adelaide and an italian jewelry designer in sydney showing his new collection. Today my head hurts so bad its like I can hear my hair growing and its making a sound like an elephant being humped by a hippo.Tonight Im going to the Brisbane International Film Festival. If you live in Queensland you might have seen me on their TV ad promoting it. Should be a great way to get back on the horse and eat the hair of the snoop dog. Just think I’ll stick to the one drink this time.Alright now this is just getting weird.  Stay focused people.  MikeyG  

    Random Rant number 256…..

    Well today I’m in Sydney with Bree and Fitzy shooting episodes of our new show Download.Got some really great guests coming on the show and some of the funniest clips you’ve ever seen.  Can’t wait to get it on the telle. Should be in your lounge room real soon. The Big Brother wrap party was one of the Biggest ever with a fireworks display, fancy dress and a fantastic rendition of Friday night games where one contestant fell in the Gold Coast canal. Well actually thats not entirely true. I pretended to play Friday Night Games after a few champagnes and fell in the water while crash tackling an inflatable penguin.  Tim Brunero, who I thought was my friend, wrote about it on his blog www.timbrunero.com  and my mother read it. Apparently I’m grounded if I ever go back home. Can’t wait till you do something silly when you’re drunk so I can write about it, ya bastard.  All good Timmy, good to see you’re doing so well. Weirdest thing happened to me today. I was in a taxi on the way to the airport and an entire wheel came off the trailer in front of me. There were sparks everywhere and it almost caused an accident, very strange indeed.Went to Golden Century tonight for dinner in Sydney and Im starting to think that their standards have dropped. I got warm spring rolls, no fortune cookies and the Peking Duck tasted like Dettol.Sorry about all the random stuff but I just felt like a big fat blog off. I think now that the Courier Mail Blog has finished I need somewhere to have a “Brain Dump”. Sorry you have to read it.What do you think of my super hot fiancés’ new modeling pic? How amazing is she?  I’m the luckiest man alive. Love you baby!   BTW, If you want to hire her shes with DALLYS.  tan  Smokin Hot! Tanya Arlidge 

    Pamela Anderson

    I finally get to meet the girl that I first went to bed with. Sure it was a magazine and sure I cut my nose on her staple but it still means a hell of a lot to me okay!You wouldn’t believe the hype that has been whirled up by the Bay watch babe going on my show, its almost overwhelming!  She will be right next to me on Friday Night Live and Im going to do a couple of things that may get me into the poo poo with my bosses. Im sure shes into doing fun stuff so Im going to get my mate Matt Hollywood to saw her in half or levitate her or something. How cool will that be! 

    Couldn’t be stuffed

    This will so look like an info-mercial.I am so lazy at the moment. I really couldnt be bothered training or getting fit.about 6 months ago I was training every day and I have found that I just don’t have the time. I do one sit up a day, I sit up in the morning and lay down at night. Lazy MO FO, anyway after big Brother I will have more time to lose my flabby gut. I was going to put a photo of it here but I just looked at them and was disgusted. Why am I even writing this. I should be going for a run or something. Australia now has the highest obesity rate in the world which I find really hard to believe because when I was in the US when everywhere I looked there was a Jabba the hut baby human lurking.  Im going to the gym now!!!! 

    Get Smart on Friday Night Live

    It was really really weird with people like Richard Wilkins, Hamish and Andy and a few other TV type celebs around to interview Steve Carrel and Anne Hathaway  for the new Get Smart movie. They were looking at me as if to say, what the hell are you doing here. Well I was there to interview the stars for Friday Night live’s Spy Night. What I got them to do was a suprise to everyone. Steve put pegs on his nipples and Anne put them on those big sexy lips of hers. You have to watch this Friday night at 7.30 to see what happened.


    Finally after years of having our arses kicked, FNL is beating the footy.FOOTBALL gets promoted in every newspaper in the country every day of the week and every sports bulliten and we kick its arse! How good is that!GO BIG BRO FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE!!!!! 


    Bree Amer, Ryan Fitzy Fitzgerald and I are back the week after Big Brother with our new show, Friday Night Download. If you have any cool web videos that you’ve made yourself please send them to me and we’ll try to get them on the show.Not just stuff you find on the web but cool stuff that you may have uploaded yourself is what were  looking for.If you’re really really good looking and you want tickets for the shows live audience filming starts in Sydney in a few weeks.   Send me an e mail and I’ll forward it to our producers. P.S It has nothing to do with our new show, but heres a photo of the buxom beauty Bianca from Big Brother in a bikini

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