!!!!!!!!HOLLYWOOD GOLD!!!!!!!!

What and insane weekend flying to the Musswellbrook show to host the world record water pistol fight attempt, the Musswellbrook Showgirl comp and the Hollywood Gold magic show with Matt Hollywood.Matt organized flights out of Brisbane from 6am to Newcastle, that really sucked.To pay him back I took photos of him sleeping. Very funny. Also this dude a few rows over who had an interesting looking chin.Along for the ride was Kylie Smith as our super star magic girl. We stayed at a fab place called the John Hunter Motel and were looked after really well. They let us hang by the pool drinking red cordial till very very late.The Upper Hunter Show has been running for something like a hundred and eighteen years or something and unfortunatley for them the numbers were down a little but we all had a blast. This was also the launch of the Hollywood Gold DVD that Matt and I produced a few weeks ago and If you want one go to www.hollywoodgold.com.au and you can learn some of the really cool tricks that we have been doing on the tour. Had a go at the dodgems and almost broke my neck. Probably my fault for driving them backwards with my eyes shut. Sunday morning we woke to find the big Ronald McDonald statue outside our hotel room after a big night.  Some wacky person from the night before had decided to steal him and show him a good time. Thanks to the young fellas from Maccas for picking him up.If theres any Red headed babies running around the Upper hunter in about nine months you know what happened. Ronald is a party animal.Matt and I were asked to stay in Sydney for the Premiere of the new Harry Houdini movie called,”Death Defying Acts”. Pretty damn cool movie about the worlds greatest magician I must say. Was embarrassing when asked on the red carpet by Angela Bishop if I was a fan of the Director Gillian Armstrong’s work and replying, “yeah I love the X Files”, thinking she said Gillian Anderson aka Scully. It gets worse. When entering the cinema I arrived to find that the whole cinema was watching my red carpet fumble.The after party was extravagant and as you can see we met a few cool people…

3 Replies to “!!!!!!!!HOLLYWOOD GOLD!!!!!!!!”

  1. You lucky bastard!!! hehehe
    What were your impressions of Katherine Zeta Jones? Ive always thought she was a stuck up bitch that thinks she is the Queen of Hollywood. Im off to the other site to order the dvd!!!!
    Hey, BB should be on soooooooooooon..
    !!!!!!!!!!!WOOHOO!!!!!!!!! CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
    ……THIS…..IS BIG BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. “Was embarrassing when asked on the red carpet by Angela Bishop if I was a fan of the Director Gillian Armstrong’s work and replying, “yeah I love the X Files”, thinking she said Gillian Anderson aka Scully.”

    That made me laugh, really really loudly – it echoed. WOO! IT’S THAT CHICK FROM ZORRO! Matt looks scary in that last pic, hypnotised I must say.

  3. be honest mike….. it was U that had the wild nite on the town with Ronald!!! hahahah

    Can’t wait 2 finally see “Hollywood Gold”, looks great..

    Talk soon
    (Matts mate in Melb)

    P.S. I want a copy of that pic of Matt on the Plane… 2 funny!

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