Oh Look! Its Mike Goldman

Mike Goldman’s signature Aussie TV-style narrations have been taking social media by storm, amassing over 200,000 followers and racking up more than 100 million views.

In 2025, Mike stars in Zombie Plane alongside Sophie Monk, Vanilla Ice, and Luke Hemsworth. He also plays a cop in the upcoming thriller Dangerous Animals, featuring Jai Courtney, Hassie Harrison (Yellowstone), and Josh Hewston (Dune).

As a sports commentator, he has covered major events, including the Honour Premier League, FIBA World Basketball Championships, Commonwealth Games, NRL, and Rugby.

You may also recognise him as the voice and host of Big Brother Australia—one of the longest-running TV franchises on the planet. With over two decades in radio, he has hosted national shows on the SCA network, earned a Nickelodeon Kids’ Choice Award for Friday Night Live, received International Emmy nominations, and won a Gold Lion for The Great Crusade during the Rugby World Cup.

His versatile voice has been featured in documentaries for National Geographic, Discovery, and Disney, as well as animated series like World Animal Championships. Whether it’s a conversational read, engaging narration, or a fast-paced hard-sell retail spot, Mike brings a dynamic range to every script.

Having been in the industry since childhood, Mike intuitively interprets scripts, adapts to direction effortlessly, and delivers with professionalism.

On top of it all, Mike is a proud new dad to his 8-month-old son, Jagger—his greatest role yet.

If you’re looking for a seasoned, engaging, and instantly recognisable voice—Mike’s your guy.


Scout Management

1300 66 95 85

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