Prof. John Ellerman (BSc, MASM, Consultant Microbiologist)

Gut Health with Prof. John Ellerman

One of the best microbiologists in the world with incredible insights into gut health and the latest research into the microbiome aka your gut. How your little tum tum can effect so many things to do with your health is mind blowing. John is a science graduate (Microbiology and Biochemistry) from the University of Sydney and a Member of the Australian Society for Microbiology. He served on the Advisory Board of the Food Science faculty at the University of Western Sydney (Hawkesbury) and on the Management Committee of the Government-funded Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) for Food Innovation at the University of NSW which included scientists from DSM (led by John), Goodman Fielder, UNSW and CSIRO Division of Dairy Research). Yeah, like he’s really really smart ok. So pay attention, this could help you be all healthy more and stuff.

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