Get some ETS

ruddI love how whenever the news talks about the Emissions Trading Scheme or anything to do with ruining the environment they show massive steam chimneys that do nothing to our atmosphere. Silly news directors, but hasn’t the ETS caused some drama. A new liberal leader, a double dissolution election and a Cold Chisel tour. Well, umm, maybe thats not from the ETS. But it COULD stand for Elderly Tour Starts or Every Tool Sings. Seriously, as if I can be serious. The captain K.RUDD is trying to do something major for the environment. Sure it may not make much difference, sure it is going to cost us all a bit more each year, but you have to say it is a bold move and if the rest of the world follows, Australia will look pretty damn cool. Then the money raised will help third world countries in too many ways to list here. One of the bad side of the ETS by the looks of things is that our primary industries could suffer. The government should exclude them from new taxes and look at grants, funding and other forms of support. I do think the KRUDD man needs to get back down under and sort things out. Another problem is that we will give up some of our sovereignty to a new organization that will fine our country for breaking the rules. Is this the first step towards a world government. Kevy does love to gallivant all over the world more than any other PM I remember. To me it looks more about KRUDD than our Country. Sure Abbott is a little straight, but look at what the straight old tool John Howard did for Australia before the Labour party got their hands on the cash. Either way It will be interesting to see what the Rudd-mister does when he hits the stage, or should I say the house next. If he comes back, looks like he may be having too much fun!

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