Random Rant number 256…..

Well today I’m in Sydney with Bree and Fitzy shooting episodes of our new show Download.Got some really great guests coming on the show and some of the funniest clips you’ve ever seen.  Can’t wait to get it on the telle. Should be in your lounge room real soon. The Big Brother wrap party was one of the Biggest ever with a fireworks display, fancy dress and a fantastic rendition of Friday night games where one contestant fell in the Gold Coast canal. Well actually thats not entirely true. I pretended to play Friday Night Games after a few champagnes and fell in the water while crash tackling an inflatable penguin.  Tim Brunero, who I thought was my friend, wrote about it on his blog www.timbrunero.com  and my mother read it. Apparently I’m grounded if I ever go back home. Can’t wait till you do something silly when you’re drunk so I can write about it, ya bastard.  All good Timmy, good to see you’re doing so well. Weirdest thing happened to me today. I was in a taxi on the way to the airport and an entire wheel came off the trailer in front of me. There were sparks everywhere and it almost caused an accident, very strange indeed.Went to Golden Century tonight for dinner in Sydney and Im starting to think that their standards have dropped. I got warm spring rolls, no fortune cookies and the Peking Duck tasted like Dettol.Sorry about all the random stuff but I just felt like a big fat blog off. I think now that the Courier Mail Blog has finished I need somewhere to have a “Brain Dump”. Sorry you have to read it.What do you think of my super hot fiancés’ new modeling pic? How amazing is she?  I’m the luckiest man alive. Love you baby!   BTW, If you want to hire her shes with DALLYS.  tan  Smokin Hot! Tanya Arlidge 

4 Replies to “Random Rant number 256…..”

  1. my god mikey she is so gorgeous, how the hell did you get her????
    your right she is smokey hot. well done me boy. its a pity you are grounded hey. naughty tim. he didnt even say if you were ok or not, thats all i wanted to know. cannot wait till your new show starts up, will be good to see you and brezy and the big fella. talking about having a whinge, i didnt go to a fancy restaurant, just maccas, but they bloody drowned my mcchicken deluxe in mayo. it was horrid. i couldnt eat it, i couldnt go and complain i had mayo all over my hands and face. i was out with my ex i had to get him to get me servettes. i am on crutches and i have really bad pain in my right hip. so i just cleaned myself up, handed him the burger he ate it and we left. i am still hungry. god damn i hate maccas.
    All the best for your new show, well your show coming back for another season, and all the best for next year. you are great mate

  2. Your lady is definitely lovely. But have you noticed she looks rather similar to Bree in the face? Not that is a bad thing, of course 🙂

  3. I often wondered how your fiance put up with all your female fans throwing themselves at you but not anymore. OMG look at her, she is gorgeous! What reason in this world would she ever have to be jealous.
    She is one lucky woman to have you! I am shattered,but I can always fantasise can’t I!!
    Seriously, all the best in your life together. Tan, look after him or I will hunt you down haha

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