Dixie Chicken

mikeyjackiAs the latest evictee from the Big brother house, Dixie shoved her face into a bucket of KFC I thought to myself this is really weird.

She was into it like a Mercedes Corby lawyer onto Anna Coren from Today Tonight and I was thinking, how the hell did I get here?

I never thought in a million years I would have a turn at hosting the Sunday eviction show and yesterday when I got the call from BB management telling me that KYLE was sick and they wanted me to fill in I thought it was a joke.

King Kyle has a chest infection and is recovering well I hear. Lets hope he comes back this weekend to stir things up.

After 8 years working on the show, starting out as voiceover and crowd warm up man It was something that I never really thought I would ever get the chance to do. Gretel didnt have a sick day in 7 years. I didn’t ring any friends or family to tell them that I was doing it because I really didn’t think it was going to happen. What a buzz being up there in front of that roaring crowd, they were so full on.

The intruders were great but Im really annoyed at Terrance. He promised to stir things up but went into the house and did sod all. He didn’t even stick up for Terri when Nobbi was absolutely hammering her last night. He was being an absolute bastard, screaming at Terri like a f%*$ing moron. He may be funny and have a lot of fans, but theres no reason to speak to an old lady like that. As annoying as she can be, I really felt for her.

13 Replies to “Dixie Chicken”

  1. hey mikey G if you can leave a comment for me on my youtube video that would be awsome!

    maybe it should feture on friday night download?

    me and my mum used to watch you on uplate everynight
    pissed off it ain’t on anymore.

    since you since you do the daily show voiceovers have you ever happen to come across the big man himself big brother???

    and just one more thing do you do the voiceovers in the same sound proof thing and as 1 of the people who do big brothers voice???

    it would be awsome if you could reply to my questions and put a comment on my youtube vid
    but i know you’d be a bizzy man so it’s cool if you don’t reply.

    oh and one more thing

    that red head comedian guy from mouth had an idea…
    he said that it would be an idea to tell the housemates that the show had been taken off air but due too gaming laws they have to continue playing the game…but without the cameras.
    you should tell za producers 2 consider that.

    and 1 more thing

    is it true that ther is a ghost haunting the BB compound???
    i can remember u saying that ages ago on uplate and i’ve been meaning to ask u this but didn’t have the internet until last month till we finally called telstra.

    anyway thats bout it from me…for now
    takecare and seya later ***out***

  2. oh yeah and good job on last nights eviction/intruders going in
    it was an eviction show that i actually watched like instead of leaving the tv on channel ten just so it gives em some ratings(yeah i actually do that)i watched the hole show instead of being a nerd @ the computer

    GOOD JOB!!!

  3. Do not dare call old lady Terry or anybody else for Godsake she is only 52.

    Do you really think it was a smart idea the bucket of KFC ? not that nice Mike

    Still loved to see you there

  4. Top effort Mike on hosting the eviction show, get rid of that Sanderlands twit asap, so i can start watching without the headaches i get from putting up with his stupidty. He is talentless and far from entertaining. Please Someone SACK THAT DROPKICK NOW!

    GO MIKEY!!!!!

  5. Hi Mike, why are there no comments here? I can’t beleive it! Over at BBBA it seems like every second post is about you, but right here where it is your place, nothin! What the?

    Anyway, great job on Sunday. I really enjoyed your take on the job. I loved that you are obviously interested in the show and let the viewers see your connection with the HM’s.

    I really hope you get another shot at the gig and if the powers that be have a pow-wow at the end of this season and decide to go ahead, then i believe that they should seriously consider you for the position next year.

    My only pieces of constructive critisism would be that you don’t need to seek as much interaction/participation from the crowd as you would in your other roles. You have 1 Million people watching at home, we are not interested in hearing intelligble screaming from the audience when you ask them a question. I understand that the format needs to feel exciting, but surely there are people off stage [you used to be one remember?] that can do this job.

    Secondly, the placement of your left hand showed one of your fingers disjointed from your hand several times. It drew our eye to your crutch region because the flesh colour stood out a lot on your dark suit. [small critisism i know, but it really bothered me for some reason]

    Anyway, from a hard core fan of 8 years, I thought you were great and showed huge potential for the gig.

    Good luck,

  6. Hello Mike Goldman! How are you? I enjoy watching you on Big Brother! I used to enjoy your hilarious antics on the uplate show when you were so bored that you didn’t know what to do so you resorted to being hilarious in your own right. It was great. “Was” in the past tense, of course, as you are not on anymore. It makes me sad fo’ sho’. I look forward to hearing from you.



  7. Mikey, you did a great job, as I said on your CM Blog.

    Hey – here is an idea for you to communicate to Big Brother for me. It’s evil.

    Have an intra-anonymous (ie only they would not know, but we would) ballot where they can elect to go in the draw for a prize – Pay them $20,000 and let them out of the house early, BUT on condition that they are under a gag order for 1 year and cannot talk about their time in the house, do any radio or TV appearances, or engage in any activity that would get them ANY coverage whatsoever. Here’s 20K, but you must fade away like you hit the witness protection program. Or even better, have BB approach each of them separately and ask if they are interested in accepting the deal, but they can’t tell anyone it was offered to them, and tell them ONLY they have been made the offer. If they want to go in with the deal BB will give it further consideration and get back to them in a few days. Watch them try not to tell each other. Then BB can selct which out of the ones who took the deal to bring out – or even better, and to generate SMS revenue with votes, let the PUBLIC decide which of the Housemates that accepted the deal should get taken up on it.

    Then they must be slipped out of the house in the dead of night so the other HM’s don’t know they are gone and no explanation should be offered to them.

    I am loving this idea. You’d have to tie them up in knots legally to make it stick, but there is no problem with that.

    Imagine the PR value of having this evicted housemate running around with the media chasing them, but they can’t do appearances, radio shows, photo shoots, interviews etc – complete media ban for say a year. It is the antithesis of what evicted housemates do.

    You wouldn’t even do a Sunday type show with them, or let them near the crowd. Just out the back door and into anonimity.

  8. You did an great job at hosting and i know alot of people who think you should be doing it permanently!!!

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