Mike Blogging for the Courier Mail

Hello fine friends of onthemike.com.

During Big Brother I will be a Big Blogger for News Ltd ,(the Courier Mail). So pop by and see what Im ranting about there!!

Of course I will post other wack stuff here like, what I think of party boy Todd Mckenny, how much my head weighs and weather or not I miss hosting the UP LATE show.

Todays my forst day back into the daily grind of Big Bro. Its meantal this year. At first I thought,”what a strange bunch of coconuts”, but as I watch them over the last few hours I really am starting to love them.

Its going to be an awesome series.

Friday Night Live with be freakin massive!!

This Friday night is “out of this world night”, were house mates will have to hang onto a spaceship for dear live, dress as aliens and fight to win a very cool prize.

Also see the premiere of “Miami Bryce”. Listen to his new jingle.
miami bryce

6 Replies to “Mike Blogging for the Courier Mail”

  1. My only complaint is that we won’t see more of you. How the fuck will I get through the night???????
    Does nobody care?????

  2. Gotta agree with you – a strange bunch of coconuts but finally they are INTERESTING people. I think the producers got it right this year and will win back a few people who have switched off after the beginning of the last few seasons.

    Disappointed that you aren’t hosting Uplate this year. I understand 7 and 9 screwed it for you but surely that was something that could have been revamped alongside of all the other BB renovations?

  3. Travis reminds me of Mickey Mouse. I want to hear him shout “HI MOUSEKETEERS!”

    So, when can I stalk, I mean talk to you on Thursday?! “Afternoon” isn’t very specific to me darling.

  4. So what’s with Big Brother this year? You promised us this year would be different, but we’re still getting the same over-censored live stream that we suffered through last year, and aside from Terri and Rima, we still have the usual blend of bimbos and surfie dudes that we’ve had the last few years.

    How are we meant to connect to the housemates if we have no usable web stream? The censoring is painful, exactly the same as last year, despite the platinum pack on 3 mobile being advertised as giving us “all the naughty bits” and a “15MA+” live stream. What a joke.

  5. Urgh… Corey… *vomits*

    Mikey, mikey, mikey… quite possibly the only reason I’ll be watching this year :).
    Don’t take me wrong… I’m a fan of the bosom, asians locked up in kombi vans, and boy’s who’ve taken one too many hits to the jugular… but oh my god… why would the producers kill us like this…

    Bring on FNL, my good man!
    Sure to be a hoot.

    Good to see you back.

  6. Hi There Mike

    I might be a bit behind the eight ball but what’s happened to the Uplate Show?

    Love your work by the way!

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