Dangerous Voiceovers
There has already been an accident in the Big Brother voiceover department this year. Was in my booth the other day, about to read a script about Bradley pumping iron in the gym and my chair broke. I hit the ground hard, it sounded great on playback, but it did hurt a little. Was it Karma for reading a funny voiceover, was it big brother playing prank on me? Perhaps. Below is a reenactment so you can get a feel for how much pain was caused when I hit the deck. Notice however that my scripts were not crumpled in any way, which I believe a testament to my script protection skills.
Voiceover danger
My voiceover stack reenactment.
No injuries, except for a minor paper cut.
Mike Goldman
ACA Heart’s BB
Yeah ok, click to watch watch the story here if you like, but if you want a behind the scenes story then read on.
Look at Pete on the far right, he looks so excited to be there, unlike myself who looks so inattentive.
They hated our guts during our 8 years of amazing Australian Television history and played a major part in having the show taken off the air and now ten years later they confess their love for Big Brother with a TV special? Interesting. Gretel Killeen didn’t want to do this ACA story because she thought it was too soon, Kyle and Jacqui O didn’t get asked, so as the only host that worked on the show for all 8 years I was the best way to kill two pigs with the one bird. (Hello Angry Birds Fans) It was kinda weird walking into Channel 9 studios at Willoughby in Sydney to find millionaire BB winner Trevor suited up at reception waiting for everyone to show up. He looks different, he’s shaved his dreadlocks, beefed up and still a barrrel of laughs. BB 01 doonah dancer Pete Timbs was there running around recording housemate interviews for what will probably be a womans day or TV week story in the coming months. He’s doing well with his pizza shop, I think its a Crust franchise or something. When all the housemates finally showed up we headed to a bar near the Channel 9 canteen where we were showered with a few drinks and a catch up. Immediately I thought, hello they’re going to get us really really pissed and make us talk about all the naughty things that happened behind the scenes, but this wasn’t the case. As you may have seen in the story, it was all quite positive, except for the Camilla incident. (gobble gobble)
During the ACA interview we talked up the production company, Endemol Southern Star and its amazing producers which was edited out, fantastic words of praise for Gretel Killeen binned, executive producer Peter Abbott’s attention to detail was also gone with that crazy time we had a nude friday night games with all Big Brother staff and housemates. Umm, ok I can’t back that up, I did suggest it once when our up late ratings looked like they were taking a slide. Hey, everything is a good idea in a brainstorm! I digress. After the interview most of the housemates went to a place called “The Blues bar”, on York st the city, which is an amazing place for dinner and cocktails and then the Ivy for a few beers. We got some strange looks when we were out on the town, one person asked me for an autograph. Unfortunately it was because she thought I was Manu from My Kitchen Rules. I LOOK NOTHING LIKE HIM!! Shock horror we got no free drinks while we were out either. Yeah, that ride finished years ago.
At one point we all looked around and wondered where BB03 winner Reggie was. Then I realized I had a missed call from her on my phone so I called her back and she told me that because shes half blind and can hardly see anything in really low light the poor darling took a wrong turn and got lost between the dark depths of the Mornings With Kerri Anne and Today show sets. Isnt that where the old Hot Dogs Up Late set is? We had to get security to release the hounds and luckily they found her. Back to the Ivy and the loudness continued till about 2am when we split for Camilla’s hotel room. Nobody got hurt, nothing was broken, but there was nothing left in her bar fridge after our visit thats for sure. Great to catch up with everyone and I never thought I would ever be saying this but, “thanks A Current Affair for such an entertaining and positive story”, I knew you guys were fans all along.
Mikey's Zoo
Sydney Cider Just Like Dickens Cider
Back in Sydney now after about twelve years in Brisbane and let me tell you, It feels great to be back home where I grew up. Hosting a digital radio show on GORILLA that kind of came about when I first got here. Bondi is an exciting and interesting place to live, with lots of tourists, mostly pommies who I’m sure are staying here illegally. I went for a walk today and was hit by some english git’s beach ball of death. Who takes a freakin’ beach ball to the beach on a day when cars are pretty much being blown onto the ocean? The weather bomb thats being dropped at the moment is disgustingly ugly. How ugly? Uglier than a nude bearded french backpacker with crabs on his teeth. Where was I, yes, Sydney is going great and theres always cool stuff happening. Like last night the opening of the Public Dining Room at Balmoral beach. Amazing restaurant with incredible food but a unimaginative name. Should have called it Bombora or Bal Bals, or…. Sorry Im being a Balmoron. Thanks for having me PDRB, loved the place. Then I went to RAVISIS Bondi for the opening of their wine bar. That was a cool party, had a dance to an excellent band, (I wanted to sing) met some groovy people and then after a few drinks stumbled home. Oh I was stopped in the street by some chick that reckons that she was supposed to be let into the Big Brother house as an intruder to take on Krystal. She said she decided against it, fair enough. Gawd!! Cant believe Im talking about BB!! Please everyone, no more e mails asking me if Big Brother is coming back. No, Its not, and even if it was I probably wouldn’t do it. I loved the show as much as everyone else, so did my bank account, but its gone for good now so lets get over it. Watch the Spearman Experiment, Glee or Masterchef.
My darling girl, Tan Arlidge is living here with me. She has a great job and up coming accessories business. Her stylish pieces are hand made in our lounge room. There’s still feathers everywhere damn it! Metallic Dreamer
Okay gotta go, I have some serious sleep debt to pay back to my brain. Gotta be up at 5am for my show on GORILLA and if I dont sleep now I’ll be DJ docile.
Nida Graduate or Nada Talent?!