Episode 27 – Richard Reid

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Richard Reid always gets the dirt, the gossip, The Hollywood trash, the reviews and interviews with the big stars. He is an Aussie TV Icon. We all love him and his awesome Hollywood reports, his appearances on shows like Celebrity Apprentice and Studio Ten.

In this interview, he talks about the best and worst interviews of his career, The Today Show, Celebrity Apprentice and many other highlights of his incredible career.

Please dont forget to subscribe and leave a review!! Thankyou iTunes you rock!! 😀

Episode 26 – Party Parslow

He’s written for some of the biggest comedy stars around, on radio, TV and now his smash hit podcast called Party in China on iTunes. I’ve known and loved this guy for over 20 years. We worked together on radio, television and have some incriminating but very funny memories to share. Please don’t forget to subscribe and leave a tasty review for your chance to win some Goldman wine. We also have a Patreon page that you can find at patreon.com/onthemike we would probably wet our pants if you became one of our sponsors. Oh and thanks to our first sponsor Mikes Mum!! HAha, hes a mummys boy!! ENJOY THE SHOW!!

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Episode 25 – Bianca Dye

One of my best buddies on the planet the amazing, talented and beautiful Bianca Dye talks about her stellar career and shares some untold behind the scenes in radio stories. It hasn’t all been superstar interviews and long lunches, shes battled with depression, anxiety, and even more IVF. I love this girl and with her, nothing is off limits. Always great to hang out with her and hear what she’s up to because there’s always an awesome story.

Episode 24 – Tinder Linda

I was at my sister Rochana’s wedding a few days ago and ended up chatting to some people I didn’t even know at the bar. They were talking loudly about different apps that they use for dating. One georgous young lady had some amazing stories about the experiences she has had on Tinder. She had so many funny stories I asked her to tell them on my show. Only if she could have a pseudonym and so Tinder Linda was invented.

Episode 23 – Grant Goldman

A real eye opener for me as my Dad, TV and Radio legend Grant Goldman spills the beans on his 50 years in the industry. Celebrity bust ups, love affairs, lost children, highlights and struggles of an incredible life so far. This has to be my favourite interview so far. We had a ton of fun. Hope you enjoy. If you love it and want to help it keep going please subscribe on itunes and if you really love it become a Patreon and help us make the show at PATREON.COM/onthemike

On The Mike

To book me please CALL Kathryn on 1300 66 95 85
or email kscott@kathyevans.com.au




Contact Ric here: ric@richerbert.com
Ok this is pretty self indulgent, but hey I have to let people know I’m back on the mike in voiceover land somehow.
I just recorded a new demo with my good buddies, Sydney voiceover legend Ric Herbert and Sydney audio engineer, super guru, Peter fast fingers McCorquodale from Crocodile studios at Rozelle in Sydney. I have been barking at the stick in the padded cell (voiceover booth) since I was a kid and just when I thought I knew everything, I learnt something new from some clever old dogs. Actually that is a shit analogy but you know what I mean. I get people e mailing me about VO work every week asking for advice and my advice is pay the money and get a coach, work with experienced people, always look for different angles and styles to change your approach and perspective on a script. Ric Herbert and Peter McCorquodale do amazing work together and I highly recommend them if you’re putting together a new VO demo. This is what they look like, but don’t let that put you off because they are extremely talented, smell quite nice and are very friendly. If you’re reading this thanks again guys!!

New demo recording
Peter Mccorquodale from Crocodile Studios and Voiceover guy Ric Herbert

My agent is Kathryn Scott 1300 66 95 85



I really don’t want to be the guy thats says, please watch my show its awesome. Mabye im bias, but its a whole lotta different with a truckload of prizes to win.

MATT HOLLYWOOD and myself in the new show, super creatively named Matt and Mike live. Hey it is what it says and most TV shows don’t have the balls to go live anymore and thanks to our good friends at FACEBOOK LIVE we can blast the 1.6 billion daily users with our own version of Magic, Celebrities and Mayhem.

That and its been a while since the TV networks gave me another run so I had to do something!!

This Monday the 22nd of August is Celebrity Apprentice and Big Brother star Layla Subritsky and Richard Wilkins “good friend” Suzie Taylor from The Block on Channel 9.

You can also see our other episodes here…MATT AND MIKE LIVE
Wonder if this photo was part of The Block filming?

Tangalooma Laughs Comedy Fest


So I’m hosting this Comedy festival this weekend in Queensland. Its at a place called Tangalooma Wild Dolphin Resort. This scares me for two reasons. One is I don’t usually do stand up comedy and the other is dolphins really freak me out. SERIOUSLY. They are just weird, smelly, slimy things that make funny noises. How could they build a resort around WILD ones?!? That squeaky, eek, eek they do and the fact that they breathe out of their heads. Think about it, this thing breathes out of its freakin head. Which makes me wonder. If Im feeding it a fish and i stick my fingers in its blow hole does it choke? Not that I would they freak me out. But it makes me wonder. I digress, this Friday and Saturday night. Get on a boat and go to Tangalooma for some laughs.


Tangalooma comedy

Sanctuary Cove International Film Festival

sanctuary festival
The Australian film festival circuit has a new kid on the block. Over 160 films from 10 different countries. Short films, features, drone, animation, documentary for three days with 6 massive events. Five time Logie winner Martin Sacks was there to collect best actor award and the Gold Pelican award for best film of the festival went to Chris Fitchet who wrote and directed “The Fear Of Darkness”.12240314_1638643286423415_884393584289595853_o

Luke Mayze and Luke Cosgrove

Tegan McLellan parting hard as usual.

Mack Lindon the writer director of “Rise” and Chris Fitchet the writer director of festival winner “The Fear of Darkness”.

Best Actor winner Martin Sacks from Rise.

Mack Lindon and Best Actor winner Martin Sacks from Rise.

Prizes from Mymyk.com

Prizes from Tendence Australia. They’re back in 2016 as well.
Entries are now being taken for the 2016 festival with over $20,000 worth of prizes already locked in. Go to Film Freeway to enter.
Here are the list of winners and selections that were played at this years Sanctuary Cove International Film Festival.


The Fear of Darkness
Written and Directed by Chris Fitchett and Produced by Mark Overett

The Gold Pelican Awards for best….

Australian Short Film
Alex – Nick Allen Ducat

The Incredible adventures of Jo Jo (and his annoying little sister Avila)

The Answers – Daniel Lissing and Michael Goode

The Return of The Catalina by Daniel Bunker

Gluttony – Pi Yun An

Jordan from the Air – Kae Lani Kennedy

Luke Mayze (Doing Time trilogy)

Martin Sacks (Rise)

Danniela Marcovic (The Fear Of Darkness and Doing Time)

Chris Schuttermaier (Pipe Dream)

The Emotional Dimensions of the James River – United States – Michelle Marquez
Aestas Canada Guillaume Comtois
Entailment – Australia – Kate Walter Cam Smeal
Injury Time – Australia – Jack Sheridan Leigh Gawain Wellwood, Jack Sheridan Julie Byrne, Jennifer Jones Jack Sheridan
RISE – Australia – Mack Lindon Maya Weidner
Redemption – Australia – Tom Vogel
Lady Luck – United Kingdom – Fay Garrett Jo Lewis, Victoria Bavister, Krissi Mcilquham
Absolution- Australia – Dean Buter Dean Butler Hannah Moran
CODEY – Taiwan Po-Yi Chu Lai
Gluttony – Taiwan – Po-Yi Chu Ferris Lin Pi Yun An
Alex – Australia – Chris Kelly Nick Allen-Ducat
First Impression – Australia – Jay Riedl – Thomas Mentel, Thomas Mentel, Gaby Darbyshire –
Little Nippers Australia Travis Bain Travis Bain Travis Bain, Shawn Brack, Adrian Rayner Travis Bain
The Incredible Adventures of Jojo (and his annoying little sister Avila) United States Ann-Marie Schmidt, Brian Schmidt
I Scream your Name Switzerland Oskar Rosetti Oskar Rosetti Adrien Lafranchi
The Grey League Canada Michael Bishop
Zenmuse X5 – Action Sports Shootout Canada Mike Bishop
Behind the Wall United States Bat-Sheva Guez
The Fear of Darkness Australia Chris Fitchett Mark Overett
Gen A Thailand Napat Tangsanga, Kornpop Polnikorn , Nattawut Pintieng, Yosita Limpapas, Sitthi Wattanayagorn, Sarobol Saengkham
Doing Time Australia Guy Edmonds, Luke Mayze
It’s A Treat Australia Luke Mayze
A Better Man Australia Luke Mayze
Jordan from the Air United States Scott Sporeleder,
Slice of Life Australia Americo Gaite

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